7th September 2024
Heritage Open Days 2024
On Saturday 7 September we participated once again in the national Heritage Open Days and welcomed 32 visitors to the Suffolk EfW. Visitors had the opportunity to learn more about how waste in Suffolk is managed, take a tour of the site, and experience our interactive visitors’ centre.
Our visitors were fascinated by the energy-from-waste process, and we were delighted by the feedback we received, with one person saying: “I cannot rate this tour highly enough and must admit it is probably the best all round experience I have had of a Heritage Open Day event.”
Heritage Open Days take place annually. The dates for 2025 are 12 to 21 September and, closer to the time, you will be able to search events here.
You don’t have to wait until September for a tour of the Suffolk EfW though! Simply visit our Eventbrite registration page to reserve your spot on one of our monthly open days, or email us at suffolkefw.uk@suez.com to enquire.