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Community and education

Working with the local community around the facility and promoting our education facilities to schools and communities around Suffolk are very important to us.

Our responsibilities include a duty of care to our employees, the wider community and the environment. That demands integrity and transparency in all our dealings with the public, their representatives and local organisations, as well as running our facilities safely and efficiently.

We respect the concerns and interests of our neighbours and promote open communications with all stakeholders. We maintain proactive communication with our local parish councils by sending copies of our newsletter and annual report ahead of their AGMs, and attending in person meetings when requested. You can find out more about these in the community liaison section.

As well as being accountable and open in our dealings with the local community, we want to contribute to the society we serve in other ways that complement our business services.

Our state-of-the-art visitor and education centre at the Suffolk energy-from-waste facility provides a valuable resource for education and for the community.

We support community and environmental improvement projects with funding raised from landfill taxes distributed by the SUEZ communities trust.

If there is anything else we can help with, please let us know.

See also

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