SUEZ recycling and recovery UK
SUEZ recycling and recovery UK employs over 5,500 people. Since it was established in the UK in 1988, our company has delivered innovative and environmentally-responsible solutions for the waste generated by households and businesses.
The Suffolk energy-from-waste facility and our other energy-from-waste facilities are part of a varied waste management infrastructure developed across the UK. It ranges from composting sites to facilities for manufacturing refuse derived fuels.
Over the course of a year, SUEZ recycling and recovery UK handles more than 10 million tonnes of waste. All of our diverse activities are guided by a vision to engineer a society where there is no more waste.
We make a significant and growing contribution by recovering value from waste materials. Waste, we believe, should be viewed as a resource to be recycled or turned into energy rather than thrown away.
Suffolk County Council
Suffolk County Council is responsible for disposing of household waste from across Suffolk. It works hand-in-hand with the county’s five district and borough councils, who collect the waste.
Together, the six councils make up the Suffolk Waste Partnership and their shared aim is to minimise levels of waste generated and to manage waste in ways that are environmentally, economically and socially sustainable.