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30th April 2021

Suffolk energy-from-waste facility annual report 2020 published

SUEZ recycling and recovery UK and Suffolk County Council have been working in partnership for six years, putting waste to good use in Suffolk.

In 2020, we put 289,990 tonnes of household waste left after recycling to good use, using it as a fuel to generate enough electricity to power 42,676 homes. This equates to a saving of 21,125 tonnes of fossil fuels, compared to the average natural gas power station.

Although our visitor centre was closed for much of the year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we still welcomed a total of 358 visitors in January and February. In September, we took part in the national Heritage Open Days festival again, this time with a two webinar events, where we were joined by over 40 live attendees.

Our health and safety track record remained excellent in 2020. In total, we delivered 4,155 Safety in Mind conversations, and for the third year in a row, we operated without any lost time incidents, an injury accident that causes an employee to take time off work.

Download the 2020 annual report to find out more information about our performance last year, from health and safety and the environment, to our inputs and outputs.

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